Friday 29 November 2019


You should add flashgot to the list. For those who are actually using the toolbar for web development, there are a few dozen other options that are truly indispensable. This is the one I love the most of all. The best all-around explanation of most Firefox settings has been posted by a developer called GuruJ on his Documented Preferences page. Adblock I generally feel a little guilty about blocking ads on websites. This means it will make 30 requests at once. Do you already have an account? fasterfox for firefox 3.6

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Apr 9, The disk cache should not be confused with the RAM cache described above. Pictures from the McAfee site.

Télécharger Fasterfox For Firefox

This means it will make 30 requests at once. Aug 27, Join our email lists! Clearing private data browser history, entered form data, etc.

The good news is that Firefox which is already pretty fast in faxterfox default configuration includes numerous about: For those who are learning either of those two standards, the visual feedback you get in making live changes is priceless.

Apr 29, Enabling and disabling cookies is equally easy. If you're determined to delve into this, I'd recommend starting with comment For a lengthy discussion of this option, see Mozillazine's forum topic No, create an account now.

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To move Firefox's disk cache, use about: It even tells you if the site is safe before you even visit it, when you search through google: Firefox is plenty speedy as it is. AutoPager This addon will load up the next page on a huge variety of sites. Want to see that Google logo vanish?

FasterFox Lite Firefox Extension Gives You A Much Snappier Firefox

I recommend this program to avoid unwanted sites. Adblock I generally feel a little guilty about blocking ads on websites.

Fortunately, there's a hidden setting that can accomplish the restoration of Firefox windows much more quickly: Tabbed browsing is firfox of the greatest inventions of the post-browser wars era — one of the true innovations in web browsing that actually adds convenience and productivity.

Scroll down and look for the following entries: After extensive research, I haven't found a utility or even a well-tested explanation that can guarantee the optimum settings for any particular Windows scenario Windows vs. Out fasterfxo the box, Vasterfox is lacking some features and options that you find in other tabbed browsers basically, every other browser except for Internet Explorer, although Microsoft will finally deliver this in version 7 for Windows.

This utility adds an Advanced Preferences item to Firefox's Edit menu, giving you a user interface to a vast array of settings that otherwise would require hand-editing.

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Here's how the trick works: Low End Mac is funded primarily through donations. Cool theme I found and am using: Welcome Image and Text. Feb 25, 9. A faeterfox of user sites have sprung up to expound on these preferences, but their coverage is spotty and not completely trustworthy.

I generally feel a little guilty about blocking ads on websites. Type or paste the following preference name into the dialog box that appears this is a hidden preference that doesn't exist in the Configuration Console until you create it: One of the most innovative features of Tab Mix Plus is its mouse gestures.

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